Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday Morning...

It’s Monday Morning…I wish it was Friday already. I know I shouldn’t wish my life away but I am ready for the 23rd to be here. I am looking forward to seeing FAMILY!!! It seems like it has been forever since we’ve been home…and it has. It has been well over a year since we were home last time. Becky and I are looking forward to seeing all of you!!! Until then, let me tell you what is going on in Colby…
Randy and Jeanie Walker were here last Thursday and Friday Morning…if you don’t know who they are…they were my first Youth Pastor and wife from Wisconsin, and adopted Parents. They were going to be in Manhattan for a Family gathering and decided to drive over and see us!! We had visitors!! We showed them around town, both blocks and we went shopping at Wal-Mart. Randy also found out that you should never walk away from your cart, not even for a minute, or you will find it…well actually you won’t find it, it will be gone. That’s what happens when a store in Colby Kansas hires way to many people to stand around. Sorry Randy.
In other news…we are busy getting ready for the Christmas program, it’s this Sunday. We have been practicing our play for a whole week as of yesterday. It is going to be interesting to see if my kids actually get all or their lines memorized. The funny thing is…Christmas always reminds me of how busy teenagers can be. Have you ever tried to get 12 teens to be at the same place at the same time…ha, you should try it, it’s like trying to get a circus clown to not wear makeup to his performance.That’s it for now…Love Ya

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