Friday, November 17, 2006

Free Hugs!!!

So...I thought I would give you an update on what is going on in Colby....well some days it's cold 18 degrees and some days it's warm like today 60's??? brain can not think if anything to say hold on...........................................
Ok...I got it. Today is Friday, and tomorrow is the football game that I have been waiting for since the team from up North kicked Notre Dame’s butts. So tomorrow morning we are going to an auction, apparently they are a big deal around town. We are going because the “stuff” of this auction was the “stuff” of a former church member. We also helped move some of the “stuff” out of the house. So if anyone gets this update before tomorrow morning I can get you a good deal on 4 buckets of rocks. They collected rocks wherever they went on their trips. Ok…some of them are pretty cool looking, and yes there is some valuable “stuff.” I think the two coolest things are the banjo and the 1954 Monopoly game.
Alright enough about that.
We bought our plane tickets to come home for Christmas…we will be home on Saturday Dec. 24th and will leave on the 30th. We have to be back for New Year’s Eve…which by the way is shaping up to be a really awesome night!! We are even going to be playing our own version of Deal or No Deal. I am picking case number 3 for the Lucky Case Game.
We have 12 game systems, no PS3s unless any of you want to donate one. We will also have 4 inflatable games this year…Twister, Bungee Run, The Bull Riding and an Obstacle course.
Anyways back to the game…I don’t think I care who wins…I just hope it’s a close one!!! My questions is will USC beat the winner for the National Championship??? Or who will be in the game with them?????
I am preaching next Sunday…if anybody has ideas about what to preach about let me know….Okay, I’m kidding…I don’t really preach I tell stories, and I am talking about Turkey Day memories, and yes mom the food fight will be one of the stories.
I guess I should also tell you that we are making more new friends our own age. We had a couple of the young adults over this week. We just sat around and talked, can you believe there is another one of me??? We also had 8 people over Monday night for dinner…Becky made Cracker Chicken, thank you Heather, it was awesome. My mouth is watering thinking about it…maybe we’ll make it again this weekend…
One thing of seriousness...I labeled this blog Free Hugs for a reason check out this site... it's an awesome video... let your mind ponder it for a while. Let me know what you think.
Well…I am running out of dots, so I’ll say have a Happy Bird Day and we miss you all! Until Next time…
Love Ya…


Heather said...

The video was great.

Thanksgiving memories..... I remember tossing the dinner rolls at Uncle Dan's and hitting a glass of milk. Somebody always getting hurt, if it was playing football or cutting wood.

Looking forward to seeing you guys.
Let us know a good day to do something. Interested in the Motor City Bowl, even if Toledo not playing.


Heather said...

Nice Job!! Now you make me want to make some Cracker Chicken! Haven't done it since we moved here b/c of the lack of counter space. Not goign to be an issue tomorrow! Gonna use my stove to mix and make!!

The hugs video was cool... Sure says something about our country and how we are awkward feeling around something so natural as a hug!!

Look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Anonymous said...

Food Fights can be fun. Maybe an idea for the sermon illustration is to "toss" mints of some kind to the congregation! No mixing strange mashed potatoes and milk during the sermon though. Do I need to be ready for a phone call on Sunday morning?

Lots of love,