Wednesday, January 07, 2009

December to Forget...

THis blog will have no pictures, but it will have a lot of information. December was meant to be very good with coming home from Thanksgiving and a very interactive Christmas this year. Instead there were several times that I cannot remember one thing for several days. These episodes really scared Tim and I and it brought me to my first stay in the hospital. I was in the hospital for several days and not wanting to be there at all. Tim was only allowed to visit one hour of the day and the days were very long.(well still 24 hours). In getting out there was a chance that Tim and I would meet with a counselor that has a 3-5 yr. waiting list. We were only back in Colby a few days when it got worse. I was on many medications and hearing lots of voices. We had a second session with the same counselor and it was going okay, but then everything plummited from there. I was "sick" and in ICU for a couple of days...then back to the hospital. When we got home I was leaving for good then the police got involved. I "went to camp" over night then back to the hospital. I missed Christmas and New Years with my family. We finished Christmas on the 5th of January and soon will be a adult date for New Years. A little late but not forgotten. Thank you for everyone who has stuck with me through my trash...We have really known where are true friends sad...
The ultimate diagnosis is bipolar disorder, post tramatic stress disorder and seizures! WOW!!!
Next blog I promise to put pictures up!

Love Ya! Becky

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