What we have learned in the past month is a lot of team work. Our little girl is growing leaps and bounds! For those of you that like statistics of Mya she is now 8 lbs. even and is 20 3/4 inches long. We will get some pictures on the blog but if you are close to either of the grandma's then they will have 4 new pictures that only they have. She is taking to the powder mix okay instead of the already mixed stuff. She is sleeping more at night which is good for Tim and I. She has had tresh since she was about 12 days old, and if it doesn't clear up in the next two weeks then it is something else. Pray that this new medicine will do the trick. Yesterday Tim, Mya and I lit the first advent candle at our church. It was a nice time. Mya did great and Tim said a great blessing towards Mya. We are looking forward to her first Christmas, and we cannot wait to see everyone when we get to Michigan. He rdedication is going to be January 6, 2007 at Whiteford Wesleyan Church. Church starts at 10 am and Grandpa Shumway will be doing the dedication.
Love you guys!!!
I think Mya's feet are beautiful. All our kids have at least one of the same traits. :) I can't wait to meet her and all three of her cousins are excited as well!!! We love you guys and will see you soon. P.S. What's with the Grandma thing? I think aunts should rate as well. That's just my opinion. ;)
I'm so happy for you both!! She looks like such a sweetie!!! Looking forward to seeing you...
Aunt Stacy agree's with Aunt Amy whole heartedly!!! Not only about the pictures but we can't wait to meet her too! If it's alright with you Adam and I would like to try to make it to her dedication so we can see all of you!
Aunt Stacy agrees with Aunt Amy 100% !!! She is the cutiest peanut I've ever seen!!! We look forward to meeting her too! Love Stacy & Adam
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