Wednesday, April 26, 2006

This Summer

This summer…well it is almost here. The kids last day of school is May 18th and things start to get busy right away. For one, the teens that don’t have a job will be calling about every day to do something. If you know any thing about Colby Kansas, it doesn’t take you more than two days before you’re repeating the fun same things over again…So what to do, if we had a church van it would be a lot easier to pack up and take the teens somewhere for a day, but as it is now, we have to find vehicles and drivers.
That’s enough whining for today…here a list of some things we are doing and possibilities of doing this summer. We are going on a Missions Trip to the boys ranch in Missouri. We will be staying up all night at Youth Camp in July, I’m sure the Junior High girls will beg Becky and I to climb the climbing wall again, I refused last year, but Becky did it. I would rather play in the water on the blob or go down the slide! We will have a Youth Camping trip where we take the boat and go tubing! We will have plenty of days where we will pull out the Slip and Slide and play in the back yard, (wow it would be so much easier if we had a pool). We already had a bbq in the park, I’m sure we’ll have more of those. Lastly, I can assure you that I will have my fill of card games before the summer is over.
We might go to the water park in Hays; it’s only 11/2 hours away. Or we might go to Denver to Six Flags, it’s no Cedar Point but it might do for a day. I want to go to a Rockies game, (by the way Barry Bonds was in town and hit his first homer of the year on my Birthday.) We could always travel on down to Dodge City; it’s only 2 ½ hours away and see a shoot out at Boot Hill! I am sure there are more things that I could list, but that is enough for now…

1 comment:

Jewels said...

Hi Tim and Becky! Your mom (Tim's mom = June :) gave me your addy. Thought I'd check it out. Glad to hear that you are having such a great time with your youth. Know that you are in our prayers. And Happy Be-Lated Birthday!!! = blog about the trio.