Sunday at church we had our annual Church Missions conference. Normally we have it on Saturday night, but this year it was Sunday morning during church. We had around the world in 80 minutes, it was 5 rooms set up representing different missionaries our church supports. We were divided into groups and spent time in each of the rooms...It took longer than a normal Sunday service. Maxine had asked us if we wanted to go to Montana Mikes to celebrate Birthdays, so I was in a hurry to go. I got to spend a whole Sunday service with Mya and she had fallen a sleep in my arms. Side Note, during each of the rooms she was very talkative...It was funny, we had great conversations. Ok, story continued. I had put her in her car seat, I knew she was wet but if she was slepping, I was gonna let her sleep. Well, I walked off and Mya woke up, so Momma decided to go ahead and change her...She wasn't just wet,she was well very un lady like. We both had to help get her changed...She had blown out her diaper, pooped on her onesie...and smeared it all the way up to her neck. Becky and I both had poopon our hands...I pickedher upoffofthe changing table so Becky could wipe off her back and we could change her and...well the paper changing pad stuck to her bootie as if it were a big piece of toilet paper...It was so hilarious...itwouldofbeen a very embarrising picture for her wedding...but a great story none the less.
The picture above is a picture of her that she pooped on the onesie...She looks serious doesn't she?
I have to finish this blog by saying "Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Wife Becky." She turns 26 tomorrow. Happy Birthday Princess..."I Love You!!"