There have been several weeks in between our last post. I want to apologize to our parents especially that have been hounding us for new pictures. A lot has happened in almost the month since the last post.
Mya is almost 4 months old...which means that the dreaded 4 month
s-h-o-t-s are tomorrow. Yes mom we spell it out even on the blog. Tim hates these days because he holds her down and I sit in the corner and cry. Those are the jobs we lined up before we had her. If I had to go through the pain of having her, he had to endure the pain of looking her in the eyes during
s-h-o-t-s. I know I am mean!
We also have made it to two movies with Mya and Alvin and the Chipmunks is by far her favorite (even though she slept through the whole thing). She also spent her first night away from mommy and daddy. Yes, Amy, everyone involved survived!...So here are some much awaited pictures of Mya Mac!
Love Ya