Thursday, November 06, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Update and Pix from the slackers
Hi all,
There have been idle promises given by us to several of you about new blog entries. Well, life has taken a huge turn, and I have not been strong enough to get this up and going, and Tim is working really hard with the youth. Here is the update on the family.
Tim, as we speak is in Indy for a youth pastors convention until Saturday. The place that our youth has met since we have been here is now gone. A group came in and took the roof down. It was hard for me because the kids took the challenge to remodel the place while Tim and I came to Michigan for Grandma Brighton's funeral. What a ton of memories that brought back.
I have been very busy at work in the grade school library, and on and off throughout the rest of the school. I have been fighting lots of pain in the last 10 weeks or so. First I was battling ovarian cysts and now I will probably have gull bladder surgery in the next week. I am on a shot for 6 months to a year that will shut off my ovaries completely. I go to a specialist tomorrow to find out about the surgery. I am ready to be normal or at least with less pain than I have been. We will keep everyone up to date on that.
Now for the update on the main attraction,Mya. She is getting supper big and saying a lot more everyday. Still on walking or crawling, but she is itching to get moving. In 17 days Mya Mac will be one year old. She has 6 teeth, and definately has a huge appetite. October 30 she will have her 1 year shots. She is going to be the Itsy Bitsy Spider for Halloween. Daddy is most excited this year for Halloween to taste test all the candy for Mya (well eat the candy for himself). We won't know for a couple of days how much she weighs and how tall she is. She has several pictures as of late, so I will send a few in your direction...I know that is all most care about anyway!!!!
Love ya,
Saturday, September 06, 2008
It's Back! Football!

Mya at 10 months...don't mind the diaper show

Oh! Was that a bad hot dog?
Just Home
First football season!
Daddy's favorite Lion
Hey guys, Uncle Joel got me this outfit when he was stationed in Korea. This may be the last football season that it will fit. We are excited that football has started again. This time she will be more interactive! Looks are deceiving...more like mommy at birth, but quickly turned to a daddy's girl!
Love Ya!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Aunt Nettie this is for you!!

This is a blog dedicated to Aunt Nettie who thought that I wasn't bold enough and that I was boring. I cut over 14 inches of my hair! This was a very big step for me because this is the shortest that my hair has been since the 8th grade. I didn't even cry this time. You would be proud Aunt Nettie!!! By the way Tim has been gone for the last two days and has no clue that I cut my hair. Don't tell if you talk to his before Thursday night...He will be surprised! Not the same person that he left on Tuesday morning.
Love Ya!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Not the Same Baby...or is it?
Mya 9 months old...

Mya 3 months old...

Mya 3 days old...
We miss you all from all over the country that reads this blog. I thought that a progressive picture post would help you know easier how much she is growing. She is talking more and more every day. She can now say tickle tickle when you are tickling her. We never realized how fast these months would fly by...
The Hat Pic No Puzzle
Monday, August 04, 2008
Giggles and probably ....
Mya was having fun at Nancy Mikesell's house and with her granddaughter, Brooke. Nancy has become a regular babysitter for Mya while we are at work. She now has three teeth and because she is still teething there is not a lot of sleeping at night. Soon school will be starting here and not a minute to soon. I will actually be working less during the school year then this summer
Mya was having fun at Nancy Mikesell's house and with her granddaughter, Brooke. Nancy has become a regular babysitter for Mya while we are at work. She now has three teeth and because she is still teething there is not a lot of sleeping at night. Soon school will be starting here and not a minute to soon. I will actually be working less during the school year then this summer
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Back in Action!
Sorry that there hasn't been much as of lately on the blog. WE have been on the go with work, fun and family that the computer is the last thing on our minds. Mya is now almost 9 months old. She is talking a tons and trying to be on the move. Mostly scooting on her back! Mya's smile is enough to melt the coldest heart. She is stronger on her legs and is sitting really great now. Bossy still is not happy...but who would if you were pulled on and grabbed. Grammy is teaching me to read real good...We are just directionally challenged! Happy Birthday Grammy!
Love Ya!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Feed Me!!!
So I have been promising pictures for a while. This is her first sweet potato activity, and she was allergic to them. There are also pictures of eating/chewing her first cracker. It has been so fun to see the many faces that she gives. We love and miss you guys very much!
Love Ya!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Tooth Fairy Will Be Busy
We haven't blogged in a great while for many reasons. I am coming to the end of the school year which is always very busy. I have been working more full time then I have part time. I am finally feeling back up to par. With the end of the school year comes graduation. This turns really hectic for Tim. He is working non-stop for Youth Sunday...May 18th. There are two graduations that we have been invited to, and many grad parties. Tim's brother and sister-in-law will also be coming for a visit next week.
Now for Mya update!! We have been having a busy time with this girl. She is non-stop on the go. She may not be crawling yet, but she wants to really bad. She tries really hard to sit up on her own. Her standing is getting much better. Those muscles are working in overtime. We have started the different foods and so far...well...we will send pictures. She is allergic to SWEET POTATOES. The pictures that we have are great. She also has been teething for quite some time. Her first tooth met the world the other day. The bottom left front tooth. Which will soon be met by the top two and two more on the bottom. We hope that they won't fall out as quickly as they are coming in. The tooth fairy will be very busy if so. She for some reason likes to mix rice cereal and squash. Daddy can't stand to watch her eat it. At least the smell if pretty awful. More later!
Love ya!
Now for Mya update!! We have been having a busy time with this girl. She is non-stop on the go. She may not be crawling yet, but she wants to really bad. She tries really hard to sit up on her own. Her standing is getting much better. Those muscles are working in overtime. We have started the different foods and so far...well...we will send pictures. She is allergic to SWEET POTATOES. The pictures that we have are great. She also has been teething for quite some time. Her first tooth met the world the other day. The bottom left front tooth. Which will soon be met by the top two and two more on the bottom. We hope that they won't fall out as quickly as they are coming in. The tooth fairy will be very busy if so. She for some reason likes to mix rice cereal and squash. Daddy can't stand to watch her eat it. At least the smell if pretty awful. More later!
Love ya!
Friday, May 02, 2008
Happy Birthday Aunt Amy!
Dear Aunt Amy,
SO...I just wanted to let you know who your biggest fan was...From Kansas I can still send kisses to my favorite Aunt Amy. Daddy says that you are super old now, but hey, I am now 6 months old. SO...I guess this means we kinda share a birthday! I love you and so does mommy and daddy even if they don't call enough. Hope your day is great now that I am sending special kisses to you!
Love Ya,
Mya Mac
(and mommy and daddy)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
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