Our friend Nancy made the cake for Mya...she is our M&M Girl!!! Here is the money tree. This is pretty creative isn't it! Lots of Diapers and Wipes. These clowns were being my shadow on Sunday...they even went into the bathroom with me.
Well...first night home comes with new challenges. I was up with Mya until 3:30am and then Tim took over. I was changing her before I went to sleep and that's when it happened. Her feet were in the air and the show started. She pooped everywhere. On herself on her blanket and on us. We laughed the whole time and she sobbed. All went well. She would only sleep if Tim or I held her. SHe is so very amazing!!! I love her a lot!
You wanted a close up...is this close enough??? She tried to back her way out of this outfit. Going home!!! I'm a cutie!! Thanks for the hat Shawna. Should we take a nap together???