Tuesday, August 15, 2006


So it’s a day…Happy day…

We are doing our VBS this week, the Artic Edge. I taught the Bible Story yesterday. It was a lot of fun, until the preschoolers showed up. There were only 7 of them, but…wow. I don’t know how anyone could spend a whole day with them. They did great for about 5 minutes and then the rest of the time was down hill from there.

Becky got the job at the elementary school! She knows that she will be working with 4th and 5th graders. She also knows that the first day of school is August 24th. For right now that is about all we know.
I’ll write more later.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Happy August

Hey…Welcome back, it seems like we are always going somewhere…
So we are home after spending Sunday through Wednesday in Salina, it’s 3 hours away, at Praise Gathering. It’s an attempt to have a camp, I guess. It’s really sad and kind of weird coming from East Michigan where everyone went to camp, to now we had 2 couples go with us and P.G this year. I guess there will be a lot more people there next year when I get ordained.
Speaking of being ordained, I wish I could tell you what the dates are for next year but, I don’t have a clue. The church where we have had Praise Gathering for the last 3 years has said that they didn’t want us back next year, so it probably won’t be in Salina. I will let you know when and where when I know.
Becky had an interview at the Grade School yesterday, she has applied to be a Para Professional, I will let you know in a couple of days what happened with that opportunity.
Oh yeah, Jamie and anyone else who wanted to know, Six Flags was an awesome but tiring day. We left here at 7:30 A.M. and got home about 1:00. It was definitely a long day, and a lot of driving, but worth it. On the way there the kids in our Suburban got bored quickly so we had serious discussions about relationships and boundaries, and also what does call us to do and be as a “Christian.” It was a great time. I did learn something though, the kids today face so much more than I did when I was in school. There are some things that I know our kids deal with at 14 and 15 that I didn’t know were even a big deal until the end of High School. For example, we talked about boundaries, and I flat out asked one of the girls where her boundaries started and you would definitely say it was about half way down the hill already. I flat out said to the kids, “I am your Youth Pastor and I don’t understand you.”
Which leads me to my next point, I think that the church is going to send me to Indy in October for a Youth Pastors conference at Head Quarters. The dates for the conference are 19-21, I will let you know what’s up for sure in a couple of weeks. I am hoping that since we are that close to family that we’ll get a couple days in Ohio and Michigan, but we’ll let you know.
I will end with this information and question… school starts here on August 24th, our kickoff for the M.O.B. is August 30th. We are having wiffle and waffle night as our kick off, if you have any great ideas for waffles let us know. Love Ya!!